Oct 212013

一个月前, Springer 推出了 Ronald L. Graham, Jaroslav Nešetřil, Steve Butler 的两卷本大作 “The Mathematics of Paul Erdős” 的第二版.

早在 2002 年, Springer 曾出版过 Gabor Halasz , Laszlo Lovasz, Miklos Simonovits, Vera T. Sós 的 “Paul Erdős and His Mathematics“, 也是两卷.不过后来合并为一本 1400 页的书.

“N Is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdős” 是一部 57 分钟的电影. The Story of  Paul Erdős–a Wandering Mathematician Obsessed with Unsolved Problems.

影片的导演是 George Paul Csicsery, 1988-1991 制作,  capturing Erdős in various countries along with some of his numerous collaborators. It covers his unusual career, his personal life, and many of his recurring jokes and anecdotes, including that of Erdős numbers.

这电影获得两个奖项:  the Gold Apple Award (National Educational Film & Video Festival), and the Gold Plaque Award.

这里有一个 youku 的链接:

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