Basic Commutative Algebra, Balwant Singh, 终于到货了, 这是朕买过的最贵的书了.
这本交换代数书籍, 不那么高深, 入门而已. 关于这学科的书已经不少, 不一定非得用它.
本书由 World Scientific Publishing Company 于 January 19, 2011 出版. 本书电子版可以在World Scientific Publishing Company 的官网找到. (如果你的单位已经购买, 可以直接下载 Basic Commutative Algebra.)
这仅仅是交换代数的入门介绍, 但作者希望对初学者和成熟的专家都有用. 阅读本书要求的先修课程是基本的抽象代数. 作者注重完备, 补了一些同调代数, 比 atiya 中规中矩, 并且配有习题. The book will be useful to beginners and experienced researchers alike. The material is so arranged that the beginner can learn through self-study or by attending a course. For the experienced researcher, the book may serve to present new perspectives on some well-known results, or as a reference.
- Rings and Ideals
- Modules and Algebras
- Polynomial and Power Series Rings
- Homological Tools I
- Tensor, Symmetric and Exterior Algebras
- Finiteness Conditions
- Primary Decomposition
- Filtrations and Completions
- Numerical Functions
- Principal Ideal Theorem
- Integral Extensions
- Normal Domains
- Transcendental Extensions
- Affine Algebras
- Derivations and Differentials
- Valuation Rings and Valuations
- Homological Tools II
- Homological Dimensions
- Depth
- Regular Rings
- Divisor Class Groups
Author: Balwant Singh
ISBN: 978-981-4313-61-2 (hardcover) 978-981-4313-62-9 (softcover)
2011 World Scientific Publishing Company