Dec 042013

Spriger 刚刚出版了三卷本的 “Geometric Trilogy: Axiomatic, Algebraic and Differential Approaches to Geometry“, 作者 Francis Borceux.

Geometric Trilogy

Geometric Trilogy

这三本书的合集厚达 \(1400\) 页. The Trilogy intends to introduce the reader to the multiple complementary aspects of geometry, paying attention to the historical birth and growth of the ideas and results, and concluding with a contemporary presentation of the various topics considered.


  • Focuses on historical aspects;
  • Supports contemporary approaches of the three aspects of axiomatic geometry: Euclidean, non-Euclidean and projective;
  • Includes full solutions to all famous historical problems of classical geometry and hundreds of figures.

An Axiomatic Approach to Geometry

An Algebraic Approach to Geometry

Unified treatment of the various algebraic approaches of geometric spaces; Provides a full treatment, perfectly accessible at a bachelor level, of all algebraic ingredients necessary to develop all the major aspects of  the theory of algebraic curves.

A Differential Approach to Geometry

Pays particular attention to historical development and preliminary approaches that support the contemporary geometrical notions; Links classical surface theory in the three dimensional real space to modern Riemannian geometry.

Nov 112013

最近好像事情不少, 没有能力来写啥深入的长篇大论.

微分几何最适合的入门书, 首推 Andrew Pressley 的 “Elementary Differential Geometry“!  2010年出版第二版, 不过笔误之类的小错误不少. 2012 年重印版本, 修正了很多.

这书的风格类似 David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote, Abstract Algebra, 很多别的教科书忽略的细节, 这书都解释的很清晰. 不胜枚举的例子, 可以用来说明这一点. 诸如, 曲线的可允许参数变换, 自交点, 闭曲线都给出了严格定义, 反函数定理有专门一节的详细讨论.

本书还有一个特点是, 习题既有提示, 也有完整的解答, 分开的. 做出不来, 看提示; 还做不出就参考解答. 似乎, 还没有多少书是这样的.

就内容来说, 本书也非常丰富, 已经超出一般的入门教材. 最后三章分别论述 Hyperbolic geometry, Minimal surfaces, The Gauss-Bonnet theorem.

遗憾的是, 本书的观点是传统的.

其次, 是 Manfredo P. do Carmo, Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces.

这个是经典, 不用多说, 上面 Andrew Pressley 的那本也被 Manfredo P. do Carmo 巨大的影响着. 阅读 Andrew Pressley 可以看的很清楚!

再来是, J. A. Thorpe, Elementary topics in Differential Geometry

4.  Wilhelm Klingenberg, A Course in  Differential Geometry, GTM51

5.  Wolfgang Kühnel, Differential Geometry: Curves – Surfaces – Manifolds, Second Edition

Nov 212012

Gang Tian(田刚) has just uploaded to the arXiv his paper “K-stability and Kähler-Einstein metrics“(Nov 20, 2012). The motivation of this paper is:
“In this paper, we prove that if a Fano manifold \(M\) is K-stable, then it admits a Kähler-Einstein metrics. It affirms a folklore conjecture. Our result and its outlined proof were lectured on Oct. 25 of 2012 during the Blainefest at Stony Brook University.”

在此之前一天(Nov 19), Xiu-Xiong Chen(陈秀雄), Simon Donaldson, Song Sun(孙松)已经上传了证明的第一部分”Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano manifolds, I: approximation of metrics with cone singularities“. 这是其三篇论文的第一篇. 这一系列文章将完成整个证明:
“This is the first of a series of three papers which provide proofs of results announced recently in arXiv:1210.7494.”

 Posted by at 7:21 am
Nov 012012

28 日, Xiu-Xiong Chen(陈秀雄), Simon Donaldson, Song Sun(孙崧, 很年轻, 曾在科大少年班就读) 在 arxiv 上传了一篇文章 “Kähler-Einstein metrics and stability“, 给出了一个证明 K-稳定的 Fano 流形容许 Kähler-Einstein 度量(Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture)的轮廓, 工具是 Donaldson 新发展的连续性方法:
“We annnounce a proof of the fact that a K-stable Fano manifold admits a Kähler-Einstein metric and give a brief outline of the proof.”

田刚 25 日在 Stony Brook 庆祝 Lawson 70 寿辰的会议上宣布证明了 K 稳定性猜想, 方法好像与 Donaldson 不太一样. 11月1日下午2:00-3:00, 田刚又在北京国际数学研究中心重复了这个报告.

孙崧, 安徽省安庆市怀宁县金拱人. 2000 年中考, 他以怀宁县第一名, 进入怀宁县最好的中学——安徽省怀宁中学.

2002年, 安徽省怀宁中学读高二的孙崧获得全国高中学生化学竞赛二等奖.  同年他参加高考, 成为怀宁县考进科大少年班的第一人.

进入中科大后, 良好的学习氛围给了他扎实的数理基础和良好的科研素养. 在他的不懈努力下, 于 2006 年拿到全额奖学金进入美国威斯康星大学数学系追随陈秀雄教授. 现为纽约州立大学石溪分校助理教授.

陈秀雄 1982 年高考就以全省前 100 名, 全市第 1 名的优异成绩被中国科技大学数学系录取, 并于 1987 年毕业. 接着, 他到中国科学院研究生院师从彭家贵教授. 1989 年由国家保送去美国宾夕法尼亚大学攻读博士和博士后, 并获美国国家科学基金资助. 1994 年获美国宾州大学博士学位. 他是著名几何学家卡拉比教授的最后一位博士.

 Posted by at 7:03 pm