GTM(Graduate Texts in Mathematics) 系列, 目前是 \(269\) 册. 详细的书目可以在 wiki 找到, 亦可在 Springer 看到. 不仅如此, Springer 有每一本书的介绍, 也有部分电子书出售. 这里试着写出每本书最新的版本, 按学科对这些书进行分类, 并争取对每本书给出一个大致的评价.
Number Theory 数论
7 A course in arithmetic, Serre
58 P-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions, Neal Koblitz
评论:本书与 97, 114的作者都是 Neal Koblitz.
74 Multiplicative number theory, Harold Davenport&Hugh L.Montgpmery, 3rd edition (2000)
评论: 较为现代的解析数论经典书籍, 展示了这学科的困难所在.
84 A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory, Kenneth Ireland&Michael Rosen
97 Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms, Neal Koblitz
114 A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography, Neal Koblitz
164 Additive Number Theory: The Classical Bases, Melvyn B. Nathanson
评论:本书和 165 讨论的主题都是堆垒数论中的经典问题. 164,165 与 195 的作者是同一个人.
165 Additive Number Theory: Inverse problems and the geometry of sumsets, Melvyn B. Nathanson
177 Analytic Number Theory, Donald J. Newman
195 Elementary Methods in Number Theory, Melvyn B. Nathanson
210 Number Theory in Function Fields, Michael Rosen
239 Number Theory Volume I: Tools and Diophantine Equations, Henri Cohen
240 Number TheoryVolume II: Analytic and Modern Tools, Henri Cohen
Algebraic Geometry 代数几何
44 Elementary Algebraic Geometry, Keith Kendig, 1977
52 Algebraic Geometry, Robin Hartshorne, 1977
76 Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction to Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties, Shigeru Iitaka, 1981
133 Algebraic Geometry: A First Course, Joe Harris
168 Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry, Gunter Ewald
185 Using Algebraic Geometry, David A.Cox
187 Moduli of Curves, Joe Harris&Ian Morrison
Algebra Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations
9 Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory, James E.Humphreys
98 Representations of Compact Lie Groups, Theodor Brocker&Tammo tom Dieck
102 Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Their Representations, V. S. Varadarajan
129 Representation Theory: A First Course, William Fulton&Joe Harris
222 Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations: An Elementary Introduction, Brian C. Hall
Topology, Manifold 拓扑 流形
47 Geometric Topology in Dimensions 2 and 3, Edwin E. Moise
176 Riemannian Manifolds: an introduction to curvature, John M. Lee
202 Introduction to Topological Manifolds, John M. Lee
218 Introduction to Smooth Manifolds, John M. Lee
Differential Geometry, Riemann Geometry
51 A Course in Differential Geometry, Wilhelm Klingenberg, 1983
评论: 非常适合用作本科教材, 是微分几何的入门书. 本书写的很紧凑, 采用现代观点讲古典几何, 清晰的展示出了初等微分几何题材与(高级的)Riemann Geometry 的联系.
先修课程: 数学分析, 高等代数, 解析几何
115 Differential Geometry: Manifolds, Curves, and Surfaces, M.Berger&B.Gostiaux, 1988
166 Differential Geometry: Cartan’s Generalizations of Klein’s Erlangen Program, R. W. Sharpe
191 Fundamentals of Differential Geometry, Serge Lang
224 Metric Structures in Differential Geometry, Gerard Walschap, 2004
Ergodic Theory 遍历论
79 An Introduction to Ergodic Theory, Peter Walters, 2000
259 Ergodic Theory: with a view towards Number Theory, Manfred Einsiedler$Thomas Ward, 2010
Graph Theory 图论
54 Combinatorics with Emphasis on the Theory of Graphs, Jack E. Graver&Mark E. Watkins, 1977
63 Graph Theory: An Introductory Course, Béla Bollobás,1979
注意, 不要把这书与 184 混淆. Béla Bollobás 是 173 的作者Reinhard Diestel 的博士导师.
173 Graph Theory, Reinhard Diestel, 2010
2012年把第四版稍作修订后仍然当第四版推出. 中文版刚刚由高等教育出版社出版.
184 Modern Graph Theory, Béla Bollobás,
207 Algebraic Graph Theory, Godsil&Royle, 2001