这是闭幕式前的最后一个 invited talk. 张大师习惯手写, 当场演算.
Yitang Zhang stepped onto the main stage of mathematics last year with the announced of his achievement that is hailed as “a landmark theorem in the distribution of prime numbers”.
这是闭幕式前的最后一个 invited talk. 张大师习惯手写, 当场演算.
Yitang Zhang stepped onto the main stage of mathematics last year with the announced of his achievement that is hailed as “a landmark theorem in the distribution of prime numbers”.
每 4 年举行一次世界数学家大会从 13 日到 21 日在首尔会展中心(COEX)举行.
Martin Groetschel, Secretary-General of IMU, 在开幕式上的讲话说, IMU 有一些倡议. 这些打算之一是 adopt-a-graduate-student: IMU 会扶持发达国家的数学家, 这些数学家愿意给不那么发达国家的工作在相近领域的数学博士提供指导(mentorship).
今年的 Chern Medal 的得主 Phillip Griffiths 选择了 African Mathematics Millennium Science Initiative(AMMSI) 来接受 $250,000.
Donaldson, Tao, Kontsevich, Lurie and Taylor, winners of the Breakthrough Prizes in mathematics, 每人给了 $100,000 给一个目的是支持发展中国家的博士的$500,000 基金会. 具体采用何种方式来实施帮助不得而知, 但已经使用了 “breakout graduate fellowships” 这样的措词.
Martin Groetschel 还指出, 韩国的数学出版物的数量当前是世界第 11 位, 但韩国数学家 1981 年发表在国际期刊上的论文仅仅只有 3 篇. 韩国从几乎一无所有, 建立了现在的数学传统, 仅仅过了一代人的时间.
1981 年成为国际数学联盟的最低等级第1军成员国的韩国时隔 33 年从援助受惠国成为供应国, 这将成为向全世界宣传韩国数学的契机.
韩国总统朴槿惠出席了当天的开幕式, 她强调了数学给我们的生活带来的影响, 向帮助韩国数学升至世界水平的世界数学界表达了谢意.
ICM 开幕式的一个小插曲是, 戴着面具的舞蹈演员走上舞台时, Maryam Mirzakhani 的不到三岁的女儿 Anahita 发出恐怖的尖叫, 许久才平静下来. Timothy Gowers 有一个 6 岁的儿子.
The Fields Medal Committee for 2014 consisted of Daubechies, Ambrosio, Eisenbud, Fukaya, Ghys, Dick Gross, Kirwan, Kollar, Kontsevich, Struwe, Zeitouni and Günter Ziegler.
The program committee consisted of Carlos Kenig (chair), Bolthausen, Alice Chang, de Melo, Esnault, me, Kannan, Jong Hae Keum, Le Bris, Lubotsky, Nesetril and Okounkov.
Kyoto University professor Shigefumi Mori has been elected president of the International Mathematical Union(IMU), becoming the first head of the group from Asia.
The ICM executive committee for the next four years will be Shigefumi Mori (president), Helge Holden (secretary), Alicia Dickenstein (VP), Vaughan Jones (VP), Dick Gross, Hyungju Park, Christiane Rousseau, Vasudevan Srinivas, John Toland and Wendelin Werner.
好像, 国际数学联盟已经讨论过, 在大会开幕很久之前公布大奖得主的名字, 是否可行.
下次全世界数学家的聚会, 2018 年的八月在巴西. The General Assembly of the IMU in Gyeongju announced on Aug. 11 that Rio de Janeiro would be the site of ICM 2018.
Artur Avila
Manjul Bhargava
Martin Hairer
Maryam Mirzakhani
At the opening ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2014 on August 13, 2014, the Fields Medals (started in 1936), the Nevanlinna Prize (started in 1982), the Gauss Prize (started in 2006), and the Chern Medal Award (started in 2010) were awarded. In addition, the winner of the Leelavati Prize (started in 2010) and the speaker of the ICM Emmy Noether Lecture (started in 1994) were announced.
Subhash Khot
Stanley Osher
Phillip Griffiths
Adrián Paenza
The 2014 ICM Emmy Noether lecturer is Georgia Benkart.
Stanford University, USA
[Maryam Mirzakhani is awarded the Fields Medal]
for her outstanding contributions to the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces.
CNRS, France & IMPA, Brazil
[Artur Avila is awarded a Fields Medal] for his profound contributions to dynamical systems theory have changed the face of the field, using the powerful idea of renormalization as a unifying principle.
Princeton University, USA
[Manjul Bhargava is awarded a Fields Medal]
for developing powerful new methods in the geometry of numbers and applied them to count rings of small rank and to bound the average rank of elliptic curves.
University of Warwick, UK
[Martin Hairer is awarded a Fields Medal]
for his outstanding contributions to the theory of stochastic partial differential equations, and in particular created a theory of regularity structures for such equations.
New York University, USA
[Subhash Khot is awarded the Nevanlinna Prize]
for his prescient definition of the “Unique Games” problem, and his leadership in the effort to understand its complexity and its pivotal role in the study of efficient approximation of optimization problems, have produced breakthroughs in algorithmic design and approximation hardness, and new exciting interactions between computational complexity, analysis and geometry.
Institute for Advanced Study, USA
[Phillip Griths is awarded the 2014 Chern Medal]
for his groundbreaking and transformative development of transcendental methods in complex geometry, particularly his seminal work in Hodge theory and periods of algebraic varieties.
明天上午(韩国时间, 东九区时间)九点, ICM 2014 会准时在韩国首尔(Coex , Seoul , Korea)开幕. 依惯例, 开幕式上会为引人注目的 Fields Medal 获得者颁发奖章. 坊间流传的一个(如若发生)会载入历史的传奇是:
本届 ICM 会有一个女性数学家获得 Fields Medal!
这真是一个令人振奋的消息! 全世界的数学工作者屏住呼吸兴奋的等待着亲眼目睹见证这个激动人心的时刻!
Maryam Mirzakhani(born May 1977) is an Iranian mathematician, Professor of Mathematics (since September 1, 2008) at Stanford University.
Maryam Mirzakhani 是今年非常有力的竞争者, 和任何候选人站在一起都是那样出众引人注目. 她还是 IMO 满分.
1995 年, 今年中国领队姚一隽去加拿大参加 IMO 的时候, 这一年也是张筑生第一次做领队, 一共有 14 个满分, 其中有两个女生: 咱们中国的朱晨畅, 现在在德国 Gottingen University; 来自伊朗的 Maryam Mirzakhani, 8 月 16 日上午作 ICM 一小时报告.
很多人看好法国的 Sophie Morel. Sophie Morel 专长数论. 不过, 恐怕 Sophie Morel 今年拿不到奖章, 但她四年后还有一次机会.
此外, Laure Saint-Raymond 和 Marianna Csörnyei 也是相当给力的人选.
一个不好的消息是: 国际数学家大会召开在即, 韩劝阻埃博拉(Ebola virus)疫区数学家不要与会.
ICM 2014 Program
这届国际数学界大会(International Congress of Mathematicians, ICM)的安排, 已经明确无误的说明:
4 个数学家将获得本届大会的 Fields Medal.
张大师将于 8 月 21 日作 ICM 闭幕式之前的压轴报告, 这是只有今年的 Fields Medalist, Gauss Prize, Chern Medal 得主才有的殊荣
张益唐 7 月1 日在北大本科生毕业典礼有一个讲话
这个暑假, 张大师在中国科学院晨兴数学中心和他的母校北京大学做了好几次讲座.
1. A Transition Formula for Mean Values of Dirichlet Polynomials
2014,6.23./6.25. 9:30-11:30
晨兴 110
主持人: 王元
2. 关于 Siegel 零点
晨兴 110
3. Distribution of Prime Numbers and the Riemann Zeta Function
July 8, 10, 2014 16:00-17:00, 镜春园82号甲乙丙楼的中心报告厅
July 15, 16:30-17:30 镜春园 78 号院的 77201 室.
主持人: 刘若川
4. 关于 Siegel 零点(2)
014.7.16./7.30./8.4./8.6. 9:30-11:30
There exist elliptic curve groups \(E(\Bbb Q)\) of arbitrarily large rank.
用 \(r\) 表示 \(\Bbb Q\) 上的椭圆曲线 \(E\) 的秩—the rank of the Mordell–Weil group \(E(\Bbb Q)\).
一个悬而未决的著名难题是: \(r\) 是否可以任意大?
Martin-McMillen 2000 年有一个 \(r\geq24\) 的例子:
\begin{equation*}\begin{split}y^2+xy+y&=x^3-120039822036992245303534619191166796374x\\&+ 504224992484910670010801799168082726759443756222911415116\end{split}\end{equation*}
Hasse-Weil \(L\)-function \(L(s, E)\) 在 \(s=1\) 处的零点的阶数 \(r_a\) 称为 \(E\) 的 analytic rank(解析秩).
Manjul Bhargava, Christopher Skinner, Wei Zhang(张伟) 7 月 7 日在 arXiv 上传的论文 “A majority of elliptic curves over \(Q\) satisfy the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture“, 宣布了取得的进展:
谁将在 8 月 13 日的 ICM 2014 开幕式上获得 Fields medal?坊间向来不缺传闻. 数论大牛 Manjul Bhargava 无疑是最耀眼的明星.