Jan 222014

Springer 刚刚推出了 2010 年出版的 “The Abel Prize 2003–2007” 的续集 “The Abel Prize 2008–2012“.

The Abel Prize 2008-2012

The Abel Prize 2008-2012

Covering the years 2008-2012, this book profiles the life and work of recent winners of the Abel Prize: John G. Thompson and Jacques Tits, 2008; Mikhail Gromov, 2009; John T. Tate Jr., 2010; John W. Milnor, 2011; Endre Szemerédi, 2012.

The profiles feature autobiographical information as well as a description of each mathematician’s work. In addition, each profile contains a complete bibliography, a curriculum vitae, as well as photos — old and new. As an added feature, interviews with the Laureates can be streamed from the Abel Prize web site.

The book also presents a  history of the Abel Prize written by the historian Kim Helsvig, and includes a facsimile of a letter from Niels Henrik Abel, which is transcribed, translated into English, and placed into historical perspective by Christian Skau.

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