Jan 272014

Eminent Kazakh mathematician Mukhtarbay Otelbaev, Prof. Dr. has published a full proof of the Clay Navier-Stokes Millennium Problem  in “Mathematical Journal” (2013, v.13 , № 4 (50))

The area of Muhtarbay Otelbaev’s scientific interests included spectral theory of operators, theory of operators’ contraction and expansion, investment theory of functional spaces, approximation theory, computational mathematics, inverse problems.

Mukhtarbay Otelbaev 已经发表超过 \(200\) 篇论文, 指导了超过 \(70\) 个博士.

[Update, Feb 7, 2014: Terence Tao 已经向 J. Amer. Math. Soc. 投了一篇论文 “Finite time blowup for an averaged three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation”. 同时, 他也把文章传到了 arXiv: Finite time blowup for an averaged three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation. 参看他 4 日的博客.]

 Posted by at 11:42 am

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