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This site is currently hosting Mathematics, and other maths-related topics.

  • 研究论文;
  • 前沿进展, 动态;
  • 本科, 研究生的一些课程笔记;
  • 某些主题, 理论的系统整理;
  • 书评, 数学有关的软件;
  • 数学奖;
  • 数学家, 教育;
  • 初等数学方面, 这里只讨论定理的新看法以及有一定价值的问题, 总结不常见的定理以及可以普遍使用的方法. 至于数学竞赛, 只讨论 IMO 级别的试题, 每年写一个 IMO 解答.

本站的目的是原创, 也转载精彩的文章, 并且收集整理很多要紧的资料, 成为一个内容涵盖数学的方方面面的杂志.

Welcome to leave messages; my only requests are that the discussions are kept polite, constructive, and relevant to the topic at hand.


Welcome to insert \(\rm\LaTeX\) math code in comments, but double dollar signs do not create \(\rm\LaTeX\) inlineMath.
可以在留言使用 \( \rm\LaTeX\) 代码, 但请注意两个美元记号不能生成行内公式.

– Copyright etc. –

Welcome to link to, quote from, copy, or translate reasonable portions of the content of this blog into other media, I would appreciate it if a reference or citation to the URL that the content originates from is provided.
本博客的所有文章遵从 知识共享许可协议 4.0. 转载请注明 https://www.zyymat.com/.

 Posted by at 12:28 am

  2 Responses to “About”

  1. 近期张益唐老师要到南方科技大学做报告

  2. Dear there,

    Do you know the problem
    Actually I am looking for the solution of the problem but I havent found yet. Can you help me please? Many thanks !

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