Jan 012014

Springer 开始出版一个新的数学系列 “Mathematical Lectures from Peking University”. 这套书是北京国际数学研究中心(Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, 简称 BICMR)的数学讲义.

Mathematical Lectures from Peking University includes monographs, lecture notes, and proceedings based on research pursued and events held at Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research (BICMR). BICMR is a mathematical research institute sponsored by the national government of China. The center was created in 2005 by national government decree. Its goal is to build a world-class mathematical center for research and training young talents; to foster a new generation of leading world-class mathematicians in China; to support the application of mathematics in sciences and practical fields; to promote research and improve the level of mathematics education at Peking University, as well as all over China.


1. Conformal Field Theories and Tensor Categories: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Beijing International Center for Mathematical

2. Some Topics in Algebra: An Advanced Undergraduate Course at PKU

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