Aug 072015

这个炎热的七月, 张益唐回到了北京, 在他的母校北京大学和晨兴数学中心做了几次讲座.

[Distinguished Lecture] Small gaps between primes

July 20, 2015 15:00-16:00, 镜春园82号甲乙丙楼的中心报告厅

Abstract: The twin prime conjecture states that there are infinitely many pairs of distinct primes which differ by 2. Until recently this conjecture had seemed to be out of reach with current techniques. However, in 2013, the author proved that there are infinitely many pairs of distinct primes which differ by no more than B with B = 7· 107. The value of B has been considerably improved by Polymath8 (a cooperative team) and Maynard.

In this talk we shall describe the basic ideas which lead to the proofs of the above results. In particular, a breakthrough on the distribution of primes in arithmetic progressions will be introduced.

2015 Workshop on Number Theory

七月 16 到 31 日在晨兴数学中心有一个数论研讨会. 张教授是演讲人之一.


8 月 22 日  浙江大学理学大讲堂

这是 Tom 第一次给公众做讲座. 他 上一次来浙江是 31 年前.


8 月 24 日下午 3:30-5:00

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